New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

Toilet paper road by Roelofs

Roelofs started a pilot project that made it possible to mix toilet paper cellulose fibers with bitumen. The addition of cellulose fibers during the production of asphalt ensures a homogeneous distribution of the bitumen in the asphalt mixture and it prevents the demixing (''dripping'') of bitumen during storage and transport. This increases the quality of the asphalt. This leads to a longer service life. 

[0303] waste from paper production and processing [170302] *bituminous mixtures
Product Value Chain by step of production
StepProvide quantity and activity
Toilet paper is collected by processor
The rests are retreated in order to process the restproducts in the asphalt
The rests are mixed with the bitumen in the asphalt (0.5% toilet paper implementation)
Key Partnerships
Wetterskip Fryslân, provincie Fryslân, STOWA, Esha Infra Solutions, KNN Cellulose, Jansma.
First version of revenue model including pricing hypotheses
Prototype demonstration in operational environment
Translation of the expected functionalities into needed capabilities
Customer bargaining power
Not of influence
Principles Circular Product Design
Design products to last for a long(er) period of time
Alternatives, Competitors
Distribution - Forward Logistics
Direct Selling: Producer -> Consumer
Distribution - Reverse Logistics
Consumer -> Producer -> ….
Revenue Streams - Pricing
Revenue Streams - Product
Pay per product
Key Resources - Resources used for the production
Toilet paper cellulose, bitumen, crushed stone


Wednesday 02 December 2020