
Visit CINDERELA's booths during incoming fairs!
Visit stands of our project during ECOMONDO 2022 in Rimini and SmartCity Expo World Congress 2022 in Barcelona!

CinderOSS video is avaialable now!
Watch the CinderOSS video describing its purpose and functionalities

Cinderela project at the Mining and Minerals Exhibition (MMH) 2022
From October 18 to 20, the Gómez Pardo Foundation presented the Cinderela project at the Mining and Minerals Exhibition (MMH) held in Seville. Throughout the three days, more than 10,000 visitors and 180 exhibiting companies participated in the fair, becoming the perfect place to share the...

CINDERELA Project Final Stakeholders Meeting: Boosting circularity in urban construction: new business models and digital tools
Side event of the ECOMONDO 2022 in Rimini, ItalyWhen: Friday 11 Nov 09:00 - 13:00Where: Pavilion A7/C7 in room "Abete"Participation: Hybrid Event

CINDERELA Project Final Conference: CinderOSS - a tool for building digital circular construction hubs in cities
A side event of the Smart City Expo World Congress, Barcelona, SpainWhen: Thursday 17 Nov 9:30 - 12:30Where: Smart City Expo Conference Center CC1, Room 1.1 Participation: Hybrid Event

The 4th Nesletter of the CINDERELA project published!
We are happy to invite you to read 4th Newsletter of the CINDERELA project - download here

CINDERELA at ICBMM 2022 in Barcelona
Cinderela will be present in the 6th International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM 2022) planned in Barcelona on 15-17 September. ICBMM 2022 focuses on research hotspot like building materials, semiconducting materials, organic/polymer materials,...

CINDERELA Consortium meeting finally all together!
After two years of COVID restriction, the CINDERELA project consortium finally held a joint meeting in Maribor, Slovenia on 27-30 of June. We have not only presented and discussed the progress of our project and actions towards its end but implemented some internal workshops - this is the...

Cooperation between CINDERELA and City Water Circles projects trough "Nigrad" and "Maribor Water Supply" companies
In the city of Maribor, the cooperation of enterprises that are predominantly publicly owned, and which already provide public services for residents is intensely towards fundamental principles in the transition from linear to circular economy. Only close cooperation between public companies,...

Industrial waste (slag) - as a secondary raw material (SRM) for the production of construction materials
CEIM and MAKSTIL hosted a very successful CINDERELA event on the 30th September in Macedonia. The Minister of Environment - Naser Nuredini and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments - Fatmir Bitiqi were special guests.
Construction and Infrastructure in the Western Balkans 6-Hybrid event
CINDERELA Project was promoted by CEIM during the Construction and Infrastructure in the Western Balkans 6-Hybrid event which took place on 15-16 September 2021 in Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina....

Closing event of the Urban Soil for Food project
On September 9th, Cinderela was presented during the closing event of the UIA (Urban Innovative Actions) project Urban Soil for Food, which took place in Maribor (organized by Wcycle Institute Maribor). Nuša Lazar and Tomislav Ploj from Nigrad, together with Sebastjan Meža from ZAG Ljubljana,...

Industrial waste (slag) - as a secondary raw material (SRM) for the production of construction materials
On the 30th September the CINDERELA Project will organise an event entitled "Industrial waste (slag) - as a secondary raw material (SRM) for the production of construction materials" in Skopje, Macedonia. During the event, the representatives of CEIM and Makstil will present the...
Sewage sludge – raw material for recovery of phosphorus and the use of sludge in civil engineering
CINDERELA was presented during the 4th International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy (TBMCE 2021) on the 14th September by ZAG.

From Construction Waste to Building Blocks
In the scope of the CINDERELA Project pilot demonstrations, a pilot production plant for producing mixtures of recycled aggregates was established, aiming to analyze the technical, technological, and administrative possibilities of processing and using various non-hazardous construction waste...

Second Periodic Review Meeting
The Second Periodic Review Meeting of the CINDERELA project took place online on July 13th. The workpackage leaders had the opportunity to share the project developments with the EC. CINDERELA progress has been noted! We are grateful to the CINDERELA Project Officer and the Reviewer for...

Revitalisation process of a degraded area in Skopje started
CEIM has started cooperation with Makstil company for the realization of CINDERELA project demonstrations. A pilot plant had been installed in Skopje, Macedonia, for mechanical processing of industrial secondary raw materials (black and white slag) obtained during the smelting process of scrap...

CINDERELA's 2nd Stakeholder Panel Meeting
On 12/05/2021 the second CINDERELA stakeholder panel meeting took place.

CINDERELA at CoMS 2020/21
Yesterday the CINDERELA project was presented at the 2nd International Online Conference CoMS 2020/21, where scientists and experts in the field of construction materials and other areas of civil engineering could present the results of their research, findings and innovations as well as join...
Digital tools can be of great aid for companies, particularly SMEs seeking new business opportunities offered by circular economy. Therefore, CINDERELA is developing its One-Stop-Shop (CinderOSS) to offer of a complete digital business environment to make the use of SRM-based construction...

CINDERELA Newsletter #3 - released!
New CINDERELA Newsletter has been released!In this issue you will find information about: Pilot Production Initiation Development of the CINDERELA One-Stop-Shop Co-design and testing process in the development of the CinderOSS and news from the Consortium.The newsletter is available in...
CINDERELA pilot production of prefabricated blocks from recycled aggregates is pawing the way to sustainable urban development
In August 2020, the Institute for Spatial Policies (IPOP) published a call for Cities to cities, where municipalities and public companies were invited to share their good practices of sustainable urban development. The call was dedicated to collecting good practices that address complex...

The 1st regional technical seminar on the CinderOSS in Slovenia
On the 7th January, the first regional technical seminar on the CinderOSS information platform took place took place on-line.

CINDERELA's 1st Stakeholder Panel Meeting
On 15/12/2020 first CINDERELA stakeholder panel meeting took place.