CINDERELA Project Final Stakeholders Meeting: Boosting circularity in urban construction: new business models and digital tools
Side event of the ECOMONDO 2022 in Rimini, Italy
When: Friday 11 Nov 09:00 - 13:00
Where: Pavilion A7/C7 in room "Abete"
Participation: Hybrid Event

About the event
Resource efficiency of the urban construction sector could be increased by full or partial substitution of raw materials by secondary raw materials (SRM) recovered from different waste streams generated within urban and peri-urban areas. Regional and local economies and the environment could benefit substantially from transforming these wastes into assets. By increasing the local intake of waste and local availability of construction materials they could create opportunities for resource-efficient construction products and services and stimulate companies to innovate for a more sustainable market and new consumption pattern in the construction sector. So, it is easy to see why the idea of a circular economy, which offers new ways to create a more sustainable economic growth model for urban construction sector , is taking hold in Europe.
The European project CINDERELA implemented under the umbrella of the EU Horizon 2020 Programme unlocks the potential for a resource efficient urban construction sector by implementing a circular economy business model CinderCEBM supported by CinderOSS a comprehensive digital business ecosystem
CinderOSS, as a tool supporting product oriented circular business models offers all that companies need to know for manufacturing and application of SRM-based construction materials in buildings and civil engineering works. For local or regional authorities , CinderOSS provides an environment for establishing digital circular construction hubs to match the SRM resources available at local/regional level with urban construction businesses, innovation ecosystem and the market and legal context to foster circularity in cities and regions.
During our stakeholder meeting we want to present and discuss:
- How circular business models in construction can be built and operated based on a set of real life tested technical solutions implemented in the CINDERELA project with focus on a degraded area revitalization, repurposing an industrial site, utilizing a waste stream from metallurgical industry and recycled plastic from municipal waste, cascade recycling with recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge.
- What are the market and legal conditions stimulating such business models?
- How the digital environment provided by CinderOSS may help creating digital circular construction hubs in local environments that support the creation of regenerative cities while offering sustainable business opportunities for construction companies.
This event is designed to present to all stakeholders of circular urban construction: construction companies, building materials manufacturers regional/local public authorities, research and innovation actors, regulatory bodies, waste stream holders, owners of degraded postindustrial sites or sites intended for repurposing:
Registration Form: link
The Language of the event is English. Translation from English to Italian will be provided.
09:00 - 09:30 | Registration and welcome coffee |
09:30 - 10:15 | Driving a circular change in urban construction trough technologies, digitalisation and circular business models: the CINDERELA project innovations achieved Alenka Mauko Pranjić, Cinderela Project Coordinator, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute |
10:15 - 10:30 | Market and legal conditions stimulating Circular Construction Business Models Enrico Pusceddu, Upper Adriatic Technology Park, Italy |
10:30 - 11:00 | "CinderOSS: a digital tool for circular construction in urban regions” Joran Straatman, KplusV |
11:00 - 11:30 | Discussion and Q&A session |
Thursday 20 October 2022 - Last edit: Friday 04 November 2022