The largest quantity of SRM-based construction products replacing virgin materials can be utilised in the case of different geotechnical works. In the CINDERELA project three revitalizations of degraded areas will be done in Maribor, Skopje and Madrid – Henares corridor. The revitalisation process will be performed in the following steps:
In Maribor, Slovenia, preliminary geotechnical investigation took place.
Maribor, Slovenia
The SRM-based material are placed in layers and compacted in order to reach the adequate intrinsic properties for geotechnical works. After the revitalisation, monitoring equipment will be installed for environmental monitoring (e.g. characterisation of eluates). The monitor readings will be recorded directly into the BIM. BIM Model Development is directly related to receiving inputs on design documentation.
Skopje, Macedonia
Geotechnical works on the degraded area in Makstil factory were conducted to investigate the possible use of SRM-based materials to revitalize the degraded area into a truck parking lot and an access road.
Madrid, Spain