Industrial waste (slag) - as a secondary raw material (SRM) for the production of construction materials
CEIM and MAKSTIL hosted a very successful CINDERELA event on the 30th September in Macedonia. The Minister of Environment - Naser Nuredini and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic Affairs, Coordination of Economic Departments and Investments - Fatmir Bitiqi were special guests.

During the event, the representatives of CEIM and Makstil presented the results of the project activities in Macedonia. The participants had an opportunity to take part in a discussion about the possibilities and importance of circular economy projects.
Deputy Prime Minister Bitiqi emphasized that the circular economy is one of the ways to maximize the use of available and limited natural resources and to ensure sustainable economic growth and development while reducing carbon dioxide emissions. "I thank the representatives of CEIM, Makstil and the entire Cinderela consortium for their joint work, and I am pleased that our scientific institutions and companies are involved in such, for our occasions, revolutionary projects, which are in a way the beginning of the circular economy, which has huge potential in the Republic of North Macedonia. Today I am really happy that finally, the private sector has started actively talking about the circular economy and in practice it shows that it is possible," said the Deputy Prime Minister - Bitiqi.
According to the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini, the CINDERELA project shows that with a clear plan and commitment, knowledge and implemented experiences from abroad, each company can invest in resources to develop additional activities. "Using secondary raw material as a building material is an excellent project to reduce the amount of landfilled waste, protect primary resources and at the same time provide a cheaper and faster solution for road reconstruction. I am glad that this innovative solution is the result of scientific cooperation between our and foreign experts, and this shows that we as a country, our private sector, have the capacity to work in a global way. In this way we contribute to the protection of the environment and at the same time we work more economically. Congratulations once again to CEIM, Makstil and the entire Cinderela consortium that are responsible companies and an example of how the private sector should work, with regular measurements, according to standards and new sustainable projects. The green agenda means development, but in a sustainable way, and this is a real example of that," said the Minister of Environment and Physical Planning - Nuredini.
Watch the dedicated video for the event in English:
Watch the dedicated video for the event in Macedonian:
You can see the summary of the conference in English in a separate video:
Friday 08 October 2021 - Last edit: Wednesday 03 November 2021