New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

CINDERELA Newsletter #2 is released!

Welcome to the second issue of our CINDERELA project Newsletter!

For now the project has been running for almost 2 years. We have achieved some great results we would like to share them with you. In particular with this newsletter we would like to focus on four developments: application of Geodesign Decision Support Environment (GDSE tool) for assessing appropriate waste to resource opportunities for construction industry, results of  a multiple value chain analysis in European countries as a step towards building circular value chains for turning urban waste into construction materials, launch of the first CINDERELA demo on phosphorus extraction and development of the framework for assessing the sustainability of the CINDERELA business model.

To read more, click

or access it in "Multimedia > Newsletter > CINDERELA Newsletter #2"


Tuesday 28 April 2020 - Last edit: Thursday 14 May 2020