New Circular Economy Business Model for More Sustainable Urban Construction

CINDERELA project presented at EWRC 2020

The 18th European Week of Regions and Cities ( provided an opportunity to show to broad audiences different initiatives and projects undertaken by regions and cities in the area of circular economy. CINDERELA was among them.

Taking advantage of a dedicated session "Urban Soil 4 Food - They way to a circular Maribor" presenting how the Slovenian City of Maribor deals with the challenge of circular economy,  CINDERELA partner NIGRAD presented  our project. Maribor is also arena for implementing CINDERELA  under the umbrella of the new, circular approach the City is developing to tackle its waste to resources challenges.

Recording to the session:

  • NIGRAD's presentation starts at: 35:50
  • CINDERELA's presentation starts: 37:30

Tuesday 27 October 2020